awaitingFamily and maternity session ı Družinsko in nosečniško fotografiranje: M+M+G+Plet's have fun

Probably many of you don’t know that I also shoot some family or maternity session every now and then. What I love about this shoots is that they are really relaxed. At least for me! :P There is no time pressure like with weddings and you get the chance to connect with the people you photograph. And another great thing is that you can do this kind of sessions more than once with the same people – something that (fortunately – wedding should be once in a lifetime expirience) you don’t get with weddings. :)

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Najbrž ne ve prav vsakdo izmed vas, da vsake toliko napravim tudi kakšno družinsko ali nosečniško fotografiranje. Kar mi je pri tem najljubše je to, da so le ta zares lahko sproščena, ker ni nikakršnega pritiska glede časa, tako kot se to naprimer dogaja na porokah. Poleg tega pa lahko tovrstna fotkanja organiziraš večkrat, kar pri porokah (na srečo) ne pride v poštev. :)

– Aljaž

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